35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe

35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe

Jacob Miller - June 28, 2018

In the first half of the 1900s television was a budding technology. Marketing and advertisement for new products were mainly spread over radio and in print. Radio advertising left much to be desired because the lack of ability to utilize catchy and colorful images to grab the potential client’s attention.

Print advertisement was the most effective way to market a product. These print ads were as experiential as contemporary television commercials, with long descriptions and often stories purported to keep the reader’s attention for as long as possible and leave a lasting impression.

It is notable that the ad campaigns were not politically correct as the current market demands and were firmly rooted in the extent traditional gender roles.

35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
“Doctors Prove Palmolive Soap Can Bring You A Lovelier Complexion in 14 days!” Palmolive Soap advertisement published in True Confessions Magazine, 1950. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
“I learned from a beauty expert how to hold my husband- and why so many women fail” Palmolive Soap advertisement published in Woman’s Home Companion, 1932. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
“Would your husband marry you again” Palmolive Soap advertisement published in Harper’s Bazaar Magazine, 1921. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Advertisement form Elizabeth Arden Basic Essentials published in Vogue Magazine, 1953. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Advertisement for Beauty Counselors published in Vogue Magazine, 1950. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Barbasol Sanitary Beard Softener advertisement published in Life Magazine, 1949. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Canadian Pacific Trans-Atlantic advertisement. in Collier’s Magazine. 1947. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Chevrolet magazine advertisement for War Bonds and Stamps marketing high achievement in the production of war materials in The Saturday Evening Post. 1943
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
CotyTan Liquid Powder advertisement published in the New York Daily News, 1929. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
General Electric advertisement for the Ultra-Vision Television, published in Life Magazine, 1952. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Greyhound Bus Magazine Advertisement, 1946. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Jergens advertisement for Dryad Cream Deodorant published in Life Magazine, 1948. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Keep Your Beauty on Duty, Magazine advertisement by Proctor & Gamble Co. for Ivory Soap. 1942. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Magazine advertisement for the Great Northern Railway Company’s New Empire Builder Train, 1946
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Magazine Advertisement for Boncilla Cosmetics published in Canadian Home Journal, 1925. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Marilyn Monroe Discovers The World’s Most Glamorous Make-up…From The Westmores of Hollywood, marketing the Tru-Glo Liquid make-up in Life Magazine, 1952. Duke Library

35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Pan American Airways advertisement showing the locations of U.S. soldiers engaged in battles across the world. Published in the Saturday Evening Post, 1941 Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Pioneer Zephyr Transcontinental diesel-powered trains advertisement in Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1944. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Proctor & Gamble Co. advertisement for Ivory Soap Published in Times Newspaper, 1942. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Proctor & Gamble Co. Advertisement in Dorothy Hope Smith Magazine for Ivory Soap, published 1927. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Pullman Train Company magazine advertisement published in Collier’s, 1952. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Sentinel’s Electric or Battery Portable Radio advertisement in the Saturday Evening Post, 1947. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
“For 59 years known for quality in everything electrical – now Radio” Graybar advertisement published in the Saturday Evening Post, 1928. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
“The chipped teacup of the Patriotic Mrs. Jones” The War Advertising Council advertising Anti-Inflation methods and frugality, published in Vogue Magazine, 1944. Duke Library


35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Why America wins Olympics Lever Brothers Company advertisement for Lifebuoy Health Soap published in Ladies’ Home Journal magazine, 1925. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Sentinel’s Electric or Battery Portable Radio advertisement in the Saturday Evening Post, 1947. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
A Wife Can Blame Herself If She Loses Love By Getting Middle-Age Skin Palmolive Company advertisement for Palmolive Soap published in the New York Times, 1938. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Advertisement for the Santa Fe System Lines published in the Saturday Evening Post, 1952. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Charles of the Ritz advertisement for Revenescence Skin Cream published in Vogue Magazine, 1950. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Coty, Inc advertisement for Coty Tanning products published in the New Yorker Magazine, 1929. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Lever Brothers Company advertisement for Pepsodent tooth paste published in Look Magazine, 1952. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Narragansett Electric Co. advertisement for Fat and Grease published in the Providence Bulletin Newspaper, 1943. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Our Government Says- Don’t Waste Food Visking Corporation food advertisement published in Ladies’ Home Journal magazine, 1943. Duke Library
35 Politically Incorrect Historic Advertisements That Will Make You Cringe
Says Elizabeth Arden–“Begin your care of the skin with correct care of the body” Elizabeth Arden advertisement for Exercise and Skin Treatment, published in the New York Times, 1925. Duke Library